
Showing posts from July, 2020

Thought And Opinion

Thought And Opinion Hello everyone. Today I will explain a little about Thoughts And Opinions . - OPINION Definition : is the way you feel or think about something Let’s look at the sentence structure to express opinions. Subject Verb Object I Agree With what you are saying I Don’t agree With you We Believe This is not the right way to handle things I Reckon This could be right considering the reasons you have provided I Doubt That this is possible We Assume You are blased this issue I Think You are mistaken I Don’t think so   Expression    Opinions can be expressed in the ways given below:                           Personal point of view                     General point of view I think ... Most people do not agree ... Personally, I think ... Almost everyone ... In my experience ... Some people say that ... I strongly believe that ... Some people believe ... As far as I am concerned ... Of course, many argue ... From my point of view ... While some peple believe ... As I understand G

Offering Something and Suggestion

SUGGESTION means to give a suggestion that is to introduce or propose an idea or a plan for someone's        consideration. Suggestion  are abstract and can be in form of solution, advice, plan and idea. it can be accepted or refused. a. Asking Suggestion Shall we finish it ? Do you have any suggestion ? What you recommed ? b. Giving Suggestion COULD    =  We could be there if we were invited MIGHT     =  She might visit the botanical gardens SHOULD  =  You should sleep immediately c. Accepting Suggestion Why not ? What a great idea Let's try that Not bad yes, i'd love that d. Refusing Suggestion Bad idea ! I'd rather not ! Maybe next time No, let's not [video belum di upload] Dialogue person 2: So, did you pass? person 1: BARELY person 2: Just like always huh? person 1: You don't have to hurt me like that person 2: You should probably study harder you know person 1: I don't know man. I'd rather play games than study. person 2: You really are hopeless ar


      A photo of me, eyes closed because I'm an idiot.      Hello! My name is Muhammad Avriel Yogarajasa, you can call me Avriel. I'm a student in high school 27 in Jakarta. I am currently 15 years old. I was born in Jakarta on April 05, 2005. I live in East Jakarta. My ambition is to be a chemical engineer, so I majored in science at my school.       I am the 4th child of 4 siblings. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother.  I am a native Indonesian citizen but I've been to Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Poland and the Netherlands before. I'm multilingual. I can speak English, French, Indonesian, and German.     This blog was initially created for my English Projects in school but its also an efficient way of gaining knowledge on how to make blogs. The experience is also well appreciated. Not to mention its mandatory for getting credits.     Its a pleasure to meet you all and I hope you enjoy my blog.