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What is invitation and what is it used for?
  • An invitation is a document written or printed or spoken word, conveying the massage by which one is invited.
  • It is used to invite someone to come, to invite people to join, to ask someone to attend, and to ask people to take part in something.
There are two kinds of invitation letter:
1. Formal invitation.
2. Informal Invitation.


1. Formal Invitation
Formal invitation is an invitation which follows a dignified form, tone, or style in agreement with the established norms, customs, or values.

Format of Formal Invitation:

  • Name of the host
  • Standard Expression ( Eg., Request the pleasure of your company, etc.)
  • Date, Time and Venue of the Event
  • Purpose of Invitation

This letter must be in a polite way. The Length should be 50 words as per CBSE guidelines.

Palangkaraya, 28th September 2012
To : Mr. Stewart
Jalan Hiu Putih No. 9
At Palangkaraya

Good morning, Mr. Stewart. We are from the jewelry company want to inform you that we have make a meeting on :
Day/date : Monday, 5th October 2012
Time        : at 8.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m.
Place       : at Aquarius Hotel Ballroom

It’s a pleasure that you would like to come.
Jewelry Company

2. Informal Invitation
Informal invitation is personal invitation given to a friend, family, etc. Informal invitation can be written invitation and verbal invitation.

Format of Informal Invitation:

  • Sender’s Address
  • Date
  • Receiver’s Address
  • Subject
  • Body
  • Closure

We can use these types of letters for friends. It is like an ordinary letter. You can use informal words.


Birthday Invitation
For all my friends in XI IPA 2 class
Dunia Senior High School

Dear all my friends,

Hi friends, I am very happy now. My birthday will come soon. I want to invite you all to attend my birthday party which will be held at:

Date: Sunday, March 14th, 2014
Place: My home
Time: at 15.00-17.00 pm

I really hope your presence at my home. It will be so happy to celebrate my birthday with all my friends. Thank you.


Nanda Anisa

Kinds of invitation expressions:
Inviting :
-          Would you like to………..?
-          Would you like to come to………….?
-          Do you want to………?
-          We would like to invite you to…………..
-          We would like you join us for……….
-          How about………….?
-          Do you mind to come to………..?
-          Please come to………….
-          I’ll be happy if you come to………
-          Let’s we go to…………
-          Etc.

Accepting an invitation :
-          Of course !
-          Thank you, I will come.
-          OK!
-          I’d love to……….
-          I’d like to………….
-          That sounds great.
-          It sounds a nice idea.
-          That would be terrific !
-          That would be amazing!
-          That would be wonderful!
-          Thanks for inviting me.
-          It’s very kind of you to invite me.
-          I’d be happy to……..
-          I like that.
-          I’d be delighted to……..
-          Surely.
-          That’s nice.
-          Etc.

Declining an invitation :
-          No, thank you.
-          I’d love to, but………….
-          I’m sorry. I can’t.
-          I’d like to, but I have many thing to do right now.
-          I don’t think I can go. Sorry.
-          I would love to, but………..
-          It’s good, but………….
-          Sorry. It’s good, but I can’t.
-          Etc.


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